Dear Parents,
It breaks my heart seeing girls inundated with a lot of work at home whilst the boys sit around watching television or playing with their toys. The era in which cleaning, cooking and washing is left to the girls is long gone. Teach your young boys the pride in doing household chores so that when they grow up, they would learn to appreciate humanity.
Teach them to understand that, for the home to be a peaceful place, it has to be a conceited effort from all and sundry. Make sure you guide them through this. Sometimes, I feel it is wanton display of ignorance to still think that the responsibilities at home should be dumped on the girls.
I am always grateful to my mother for the upbringing. Cooking, cleaning, washing and doing other household chores were never a problem even though, we had no girl amongst us growing up. The argument for only girls to always be with their mothers in the kitchen cannot hold anymore because, the farms are no more there. A new dawn is here. Boys can equally help out in the kitchen.
You owe it as a duty to train your children- both boys and girls, to appreciate the joy in attending to errands at home. It does not hurt but rather toughen them for the task ahead. Life is not always about the book knowledge but the home-made training one carries along.
I believe through this, a lot of homes will become a better place as the boys transition beautifully into adulthood. They will become better husbands and the cycle continues.
Kindly help solve tomorrow’s problem today.
Nice piece
I think parents would heed to that cos we are no more in the olden system where boys are more important than girls. #genderequityiswhatwewant#