Easy does it! Prolific Gakpetor dazzles yet again.

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Kekeli Daniel Gakpetor, one of the main actors behind PRESEC- Legon’s impressive performance at the 2020 National Science and Maths Quiz competition has done it again. 

It has been revealed that after WAEC released the WASSCE 2020 results yesterday, the wonder kid has scored 8 A1s in his final examination.

Here is a copy of his result sighted by rymcitigh.com. 

Source: http://rymcitigh.com/

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About Nutefe Worla 128 Articles
Nutefe Worla is a professional teacher, a blogger and a profiler at Rymcitigh.com, an online news portal. He is also a passionate reader and a natural writer. He believes strongly that for one to succeed in life, there is the need to hold unto one’s resolve in high esteem.