Anloga Avete LA Basic School which is situated at Anloga is noted to be one of the best schools within the Keta District and has a population of about 1000 pupils in the school.

Though the school is popular in the region for training some prominent people in the country over the years, it is, however, battling infrastructural challenges.
A visit to the school by Ghanaweb saw students learning under poor classroom blocks in an unfavourable condition.
Headmaster of Anloga Avete LA Basic School, Mr Christian Agbogbada told GhanaWeb the government has abandoned a classroom block under construction for six years. Throwing dust into their eyes are also unfulfilled promises by NGOs and old students from the school.
“Anloga Avete LA Basic School is confronted with many problems and notable amongst them is the lack of infrastructure facilities. We have trained most of the people in society to become big men and women. All of these people had their elementary education here. They sometimes visit the school, look at the deplorable state of the school and promise to do something about but nothing is done.
“We have written many letters to NGOs and other governmental bodies for help. They have received our letters alright but there is no help coming out of it. There is a classroom block that was under construction but has been left abandoned for six years now. This building under construction comprises four classroom blocks and a sickbay.
“We currently have nails and roofing sheets but our urgent need now for the construction are woods and workmanship”, he said.
He reiterated that some of the classroom blocks urgently need renovation to make teaching and learning very conducive for both the teachers and students.
“Most of the classroom blocks which are not in good shape and need urgent renovation include the Class Four A and B block, the Class Five B block, and the kindergarten block. This deplorable state and nature of the classroom blocks has made teaching and learning very difficult and unfavourable.”
He, therefore, appealed to the government and other stakeholders to come to their aid in completing the classroom block which has been left abandoned for six years.
The abandoned classroom block under construction below:

That is my formal school, is a very great school those day the kindergarten block that was shown in the picture was where l started my basic learning from hmmm l wish l have the strength carry some of the school burden am very sad myself. Edem Dotsey