Ewes across the length and breadth of the country are livid about the use of an example they deemed denigrating in a Basic Four English Language textbook approved by NACCA.
The content of the book which has been widely circulated on Facebook and seen by rymcitigh.com was on the sub-strand “ Penmanship and Handwriting”.

According to the details, the Ewes who are asking genuine questions do not understand why the sentence being used as an example would portray their ethnic group as people who love ‘juju’. The use of “Efo” as the subject and the use of “juju” as the direct object in the sentence has brought about divided opinions.
People are alarmed that in a book of such high academic implications, the author should have considered the societal and cultural dimensions to his examples.
They are therefore calling on the Ghana Education Service, Ministry of Education , NaCCA and all the stakeholders to make sure that the right thing is done.
The book was authored by Okyere Baafi Alexander and it is based on the new curriculum.
See details!

Source: http://rymcitigh.com/
They should know better.