Dear Policymaker,
The role of the teacher in this new curriculum drive is pivotal, something that cannot be overlooked. You can organize all the workshops hurriedly in a desperate attempt to see to its take off next academic year but if the teacher is disgruntled and not motivated enough, everything will fall apart. The insensitivity and the sheer disregard for the welfare of the Ghanaian teacher is annoying. The teacher is never the enemy here but a stakeholder. I implore you to accept genuine criticisms because you do not know it all. That assumption that you are an ‘elephant’ and that the teacher is just a ‘fly’ is backward thinking. We are in the 21st century. Wake up to the new realities.
Oh! Lest I forget, make sure the necessary materials needed to implement your ‘flawless curriculum’ are supplied to the schools on time. Even the highly deprived schools in the country should be adequately equipped. The change must reach them as well. Kindly walk the talk. Enough of the lips service already.
It is in your own good if you listen because the day of reckoning will soon come.
I pray you are ready.
This is my unasked junk, I pray it resonates.
Nutefe Worla
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