Five schools from the Ketu South Education Directorate, Volta Region, Ghana, have officially welcomed the Nutrition Friendly School Initiative into their respective schools.

The colourful ceremony which was under the tutelage of Torgbui Adoku Atsikpa III, Dufia of Yame, attracted all those who mattered as far as the nutritional wellness of the learners is concerned. The grand durbar and official launch was on the theme, “ The Role of Stakeholders in Improving Health and Nutrition in Schools”.

Mr. Joseph K. Degley, the Municipal Health Director, who gave the welcome address and purpose of gathering, backed calls for the programme to become a permanent feature in all schools since it has the tendency of helping shape learners’ mentality towards academic work.

Dr. Timothy S. Letsa, Volta Regional Health Director of Services, who also doubled as the Guest Speaker for the programme thanked the stakeholders for bringing onboard this special initiative which is first of its kind in the country to enhance good nutrition amongst learners and their respective families. He was of the view that eating good food should become a constant habit and that is the only way by which learners would grow to appreciate what they do in school. He also revealed that the programme would go a long way in solving the malnutrition cases in the municipality.

Mr. Michael Yao Tsuiatorfe, the Ketu South Municipal Director of Education was exceedingly happy about the thought that went into the initiative and tasked all schools to emulate the success story of the participating schools. He also paid glowing tributes to the staff and learners of Lente Yame M.A. Basic School, Agbogbome R. C. Basic School, Aveyiborme Basic School, Lente Wute Community School Academy and House of Grace Academy. He further tasked them to ensure that the initiative achieved its desired outcome.

Other personalities and institutions present at the ceremony were; Torgbuiwo, Mamawo, Regional Nutrition Officers, Staff of Municipal Health Directorate, Staff of Education Directorate, Lente Wute CHPS Compund, Headmasters, Teachers, Learners, Elders from the participating communities, Media Houses and many more.

Hardworking individuals who have played diverse roles in contributing to the success of the special initiatives were recognized and given citations.

In all, the NFSI hinges on four pillars: School health and nutrition guiding principle, Safe school environment, School-delivery of health services and Skills-based health education. This is well tailored to promote good nutrition and total healthy eating amongst learners and the community as a whole. Some core activities of the initiative include, Fruit Day, Vegetable Day, Physical Education, Hygiene Inspection Day, Egg Day and Iron Folic Acid(IFA) Supplementation Day.

To crown it all, there were beautiful performances from the learners to display what they have learnt over the period. There were exhibitions, poetry recitals from the Smart School Group, choreography and drama to entertain the gathering.
