Afia Schwarzenegger Mocks Errant WASSCE Candidate

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In the euphoria of the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination, a female candidate took to Facebook to seek the guidance of God through the examination.

The candidate posted a picture of herself in a school uniform with the caption “LORD SEE me thorough…Waces minded

The candidate is believed to be writing “Lord see me through…WASSCE minded“. Ths, however, did not escape the prying eyes of Afia Schwarzenegger. She posted a screenshot of the candidate’s post asking whether or not God will see her ‘thorough’, repeating the candidate’s error.

While some people made fun of the candidate’s inability to write well, others also defended that it might have been a genuine mistake.

Read the post and the comments below.

Source: Rymcitigh

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About Senyo 27 Articles
Robert Hude is a passionate young man who strives to make a difference in his own small way. He is a writer, a poet and a blogger at As a language teacher, he believes that translating your thoughs into writing is an ideal way of communicating you emotions, desires and vision to the world. You can contact him on: Email: Facebook: Kwame Senyo McCarthy Twitter: Senyo_McCarthy WhatsApp: 0249495848

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