It was such a joyful sight to behold as the staff and pupils of Agbozume E. P. Kpota JHS took delivery of forty (40) dual desks on Friday, 20th May, 2022, to aid teaching and learning.

The donation came at the back of a story published by rymcitigh.com on the plight of the pupils sitting on cement blocks to study during instructional hours. The situation became so alarming that the enrollment of the school dwindled as learners no longer felt safe in the classrooms. Barely three months after the publication of the story, stakeholders, under the tutelage of the Ketu South Municipal Assembly, came to the school’s rescue. This was with the needed effort from Mr. Pope Yao Yevoo, NPP Volta Regional Secretary aspirant.

In addition to the dual desks, the Agbozume Klikor Development Committee, USA Chapter, has also supported the school with 495 Aki Ola Mathematics, Integrated Science and English Language textbooks for all the levels. This was ably facilitated by Mr. Pat Senyo. The move is to send a strong signal that public-private sector hegemony is all that is needed to bring about quality in the education sector.

The Chairman of the School Management Committee, Mr. Elikplim Gosu, who broke the good news was highly happy that finally, respite has come. He paid glowing tributes to all the stakeholders for their immense role in helping achieve the success. It was his hope that the items received would be put to good use in order to promote effective teaching and learning.

The feeling of gratitude at Agbozume E. P. Kpota JHS is immense as academic work will be boosted. It is expected that the items donated would go a long way in helping the school to rediscover its long lost glory days.
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