Lente Yame M. A. Basic School Nutrition Friendly Initiative Smart Group dazzles at Independence Day Celebration- DETAILS!

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It was such a beautiful spectacle to behold as the Lente Yame M. A. Basic School Nutrition Friendly Initiative Smart Group, entertained a large gathering upda  during Ghana’s 65th Independence Day durbar held at Korpeyia in the Ketu South Municipality. 

The resplendent-looking contingents who marched in special customized Nutrition Friendly t-shirts displayed varied forms of educative activities to make a case for the importance of encouraging everyone to be nutrition conscious. To a rousing applause, the innovation and creativity shown by the contingents warmed the hearts of many. 

After the March-past, the group, led by its facilitators, Mr. Ephraim Kassegni (Headteacher), Madam Manna Sogah( SHEP Coordinator) and Mr. Samuel Nunama(Community Health Nurse), engaged some parents on the need to pay critical attention to what their children eat and its overall impact on their lives. There were promises from the parents that henceforth, they would do their possible best in feeding their children well, since good health they say, is wealth. 

The NFSI hinges on four pillars: School health and nutrition guiding principle, Safe school environment, School-delivery of health services and Skills-based health education. This is well tailored to promote good nutrition and total healthy eating amongst learners and the community as a whole. Some core activities of the initiative include, Fruit Day, Vegetable Day, Physical Education, Hygiene Inspection Day, Egg Day and Iron Folic Acid(IFA) Supplementation Day. 

In all, some basic schools from the Ketu South Education Directorate officially welcomed the Nutrition Friendly School Initiative into their respective folds in early 2020. 


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